
Cooking, Country Music and Fighting Roach Warriors!

Awoke today to the thought of biscuits and happily hopped out of bed to throw them together. There were no biscuits made yesterday of course.... I live by the idea that things can always be done tomorrow.

So. Put on some country music and started mixing and kneading the dough. When baking bread I would recommend a larger pot that the one I have....there is no WAY you can fit 8 cups of flour, yeast, milk and sugar in here. It ain't happening. So I put 6 1/2 cups and I'm hoping for the best.

Looks good eh? Looks like I'm going to gain some weight this week.

You don't know how fast dough rises until you think it's okay to run the pool for few hours and you return to a bulging bowl and a house that smells like raw dough...I'm not sure if I like the smell or not. I'm going to assume this means I have mixed my ingredients successfully though. Thankfully a little friend decided to sneak up behind me at the pool and reminded me I had dough rising in the oven.

As I was sitting in my beautiful pool, and by 'my' pool I mean 1 of 4 pools at my apartment complex that happens to always be full of screaming children who don't yet understand the joy of reading Memoirs According to Kathy Griffin. I love Kathy like she loves the gays.

Anyhow....as I was sitting in my beautiful pool, I was brutally attacked (like Danielle from the Real Housewives of NJ is "attacked" by the ladies on the show/the world)

(Check out that hot mess...whew)

...Back to the attack!

There are officially bugs in Corpus Christi that can swim with a vengeance! They are called "water scorpions"

..... f my life. The one place I am obsessed with (the pool) and become a 12 year old again splashing about merrily..... THERE ARE DEVIL BUGS!!

I need a new hang out.

Well, I'm going to go shake off violently in fear there may still be my bug nemesis still hanging on for dear life somewhere on my body.

Rolls are still not finished....let's see how many days it will take to make biscuits :)

Today's Task: STILL making biscuits

Today's Obsession: Finding a way to kill the infamous "water scorpion"

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