
I have my own Transformer! Wait...does this mean aliens are invading?!

Channel 6 News at 5
According to Dale, who has a tomato formula online, at Channel 6 news, Corpus Christi has officially received more than 10 inches of rain, 15 inches in some area! HOLY MOLY! That is insanity. Based off these measurements across town, I have decided it's time to give-in to to the fad and purchase... DAS RAINBOOTS! What, only 3 years late on following the fad?

I'm so tired of walking through water, getting the bottom of my pants wet and tempting the evil pneumonia to wreck-shop on my body that I am willing to wear das boot. Now I'm not yet to the point where I'm willing to pay for them...considering I'm brokeeeee. So you are more than welcome to purchase and ship them directly to my apartment in Corpus.

My Own Transformer!
With all this rain, I found out that my Toyota RAV4

...is actually a Transformer!

I ran and saw my good friend in the beautiful Kingsville, Texas and hit some standing water on the way back home last night. I was going about 60 mph, water flew, but my tires stayed glued to the pavement...no hydroplaning for this girl!

So I have decided my sweet RAV4 is actually a Transformer, I shall nickname her... Black Beauty, a wild mare who ropes the wind and dances through rain like it's her 21st birthday!

Just one more sign that aliens have possibly inhabited the earth and are waiting to take over!! Just kidding. I love War of the Worlds though... good ole Tom "Crazy" Cruise.

There is a Cat Dumper
...Somebody take her down!
According to the Daily Telegram, a UK woman put a cat in a dumpster. I know pets can be annoying, but ya don't put it in a trash can. I say somebody needs to put HER in a dumpster the next time she's being annoying.

And then, she says it's a joke?

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